Utah Python

Utah Python

The Utah Python Meetup Group is a consortium of python meetup groups around Utah.

Join Us


The Utah Python User Group provides a community for software developers interested in Python technology. Everyone is invited to participate!

Upcoming Meetups

Wasatch Front



Each group’s meetup page can be found on the locations page.

Mailing List

Our mailing list is hosted on Google Groups. It’s mostly annoucements, but we’re happy to answer questions or take local job postings too!

To join the list without a Google Account, send a blank email to utahpython+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to the list, send an email to utahpython@googlegroups.com.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Most of our discussions take place here:

Server: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #utahpython

Use your favorite IRC client or use the Webchat.